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 Youth programs

The Bronze Level is a once a week class that will teach your child the FUNdamentals of fencing. Each level of the developmental program teaches the skills of fencing in a fun and positive manner. The bronze level class introduces general physical skills, specific fencing skills as well as the basic rules of fencing. Children do not need their own equipment as we will provide it for the first three months. Download the Bronze Level flyer here:


Cost: $175 per month, 1 class per week or $50 per Session

Schedule:  Tuesday    4:30pm -5:30pm

                 Wednesday 4:30pm -5:30pm

   Saturday    1:00 - 2:00pm

GGFC Youth Develoment Philosophy

The Silver Level emphasizes basic physical sport skills and introduces basic training concepts to the young fencer. This includes all the physical literacy skills of the Bronze level but goes further by introducing speed work, agility exercises, balance work, and body weight exercises. Fencing skills are continued at a more advanced level and include tactical frameworks, compound actions, basic mental performance skills and group lessons during class. The primary focus is on “Develop and Challenge” which gives the young fencer the fundamental basis to be an athlete in any sport. The ideal age range for this level is 9 -12. Download the Silver Level flyer here:


Cost: $285 per month, 2 classes per week

Includes in-class group lessons


                 Tuesday     4:30pm -5:30pm

                 Wednesday 4:30pm -5:30pm

   Saturday    1:00 - 2:00pm




The Gold level offers the young competitor the opportunity to train at a higher and more focused level. This level builds on the Silver levels skills and really is about “training to train”. This means that the fencer has committed to the sport of fencing and is making it a priority. The training elements include a strong emphasis on agility, strength and speed as well as increased competitive fencing and training. Gold level fencers train 3x per week for 2 hours and should be taking 1 individual lesson per week. The ideal age range is 11-14. Download the Gold Level flyer here:


Cost: $375 per month, 3 times per week.


Schedule: Monday       4:30pm -6:00pm

                Wednesday  4:30pm -6:00pm

                Saturdays   11:00am- 12:30pm OR 1-2pm

Sponsorship of the club by the positive coaching alliance
Athletes smiling in the club
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Copyright Golden Gate Fencing Center Inc.   

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